Sunday 27 February 2011

How to keep the romance alive in your marriage

How to keep the romance alive in your marriage
17 Nov 2008 4:04 PM by Sachin Gupta in Wedding
Here are some tips for keeping romance alive in your marriage:

Have a 'one night stand' at regular intervals. Take time out for each other albeit for just a night. Time alone together. No meals to cook. No kids to attend to. With no other commitments to distract you, romance comes more naturally.

Plan dates months in advance. Keep looking forward to them. And mark these dates in different colors in your diary. Check this daily. This will turn mundane birthdays, anniversaries into special moments to be cherished.

The 3 magic words mean a lot. Say them often. In fact email, call or SMS each other just to say, I love you.

Laughing together is as essential as making love. This brings you together.

Have fun together. Take time out on a Sunday evening to play board games. Or if you are outdoor people then challenge each other to a game of tennis.


Action speaks louder than words. Take the initiative and create the mood. Hugs and kisses add a spark to your marriage.

Complement each other on new clothes, new haircut or even the choice of footwear. This shows you notice change in each other.

Make love together more often. Different places. Different ways.

Surprise each other. This can be fun. Surprise your mate with a special evening. Book a table at your favorite restaurant and enjoy a romantic candle light dinner.

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